Saturday, May 2, 2009

Letting go of the need to always be busy

We have had a very busy week and tonight we are winding down and looking forward to a Sunday. I really need a Sunday. I love Sunday because it's a purposeful day of rest for our family. We all look forward to a "day off" to go to church together, pray, have dinner, take naps, read and just have a quiet day. Sometimes, we discuss what's coming up in the week to come, watch a movie together, or take a walk.
After a wicked-busy week of work, school, job hunting, scouts, cleaning, laundry, classes, homework, appointments, field trips, yard work and a whole host of other activities it's so wonderful to take a day and have time for some quiet reflection. It's such a habit for us, that this one day feels crucial and vital to our physical, spiritual and emotional health. I feel put out and put upon if ever our Sunday is intruded upon by any outside event that disrupts our quietude.
All the pressure comes off on Sunday. There's no job that must be hunted, no cleaning that calls me, no shopping that could entice me away from my house full of my family. Only reading, writing, and quietly catching up on the "realignment" of my spirit with the Universe.

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