Friday, May 15, 2009

My Favorite Sport

For a "mother's day" activity, my daughter brought home a questionnaire that asked me a bunch of questions about my favorite things.
One of the questions was "What's your favorite sport?" I had to leave that one blank-because I didn't think I had a favorite sport. We've tried at various times to get invloved in team sports with our kids, but not one of our children has liked any organized team sport. I'm not sure why this is. I didn't participate in team sports growing up and we don't watch sports of any kind on tv. I had a very short career in track and field in 7th grade and my gym teacher thought I was a good hurdler, until I fell and hurt my wrist. I cried and my teacher wanted me to get up and jump again and yelled at me to do it, before I "lost my nerve"-in front of a whole field of kids.
I wouldn't do it, and never jumped again. I'll admit I was, and still am a wimp.
I really enjoyed running all through college-but walking is more my speed these days, now that my bladder had become leaky and my knees are weak.
As a family, we walk, swim, hike and bike. Although right at the moment about half of our bikes are in various stages of disrepair.
We are just not very sporty. I feel sort of bad about not having a favorite sport.

But today was "Sports Day" for the kids in my class.
Before we gathered everyone up and boarded the buses for "Sports Day", we were cheered by two long lines of children from the other classes at school. They were there to shout "Hurray" and cheer "Go!" to our kids and wave their posters at us. I had to put my sunglasses on so no one would see the tears in my eyes. It was a beautiful moment followed by many others today on the field as we helped our sweet kids cross finish lines, throw balls, and cheer for them in their races. I am still suffering from a cold, on top of hayfever, on top of medication that I think makes me drowsy, but I was uplifted, inspired and energized by being at this event. And I realized that I do have a favorite sport after all. The next time someone asks me what my favorite sport is I'm going to say "Sports Day".

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