Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God does not care about crooked teeth

The dog ate Raini's retainer today.
I called the orthodontist to see how this will kill me.
It will kill me hard and fast with $230 big ones. I wonder how fast teeth move. Can they wait for our next job or will they move at break-neck speed back to crazy misalignment?
Raini, is not concerned. (Well, other than the fact that mom is pretty freaked out.)
"I don't care at all," she yells at us "in fact I liked my teeth better when they were crooked!"
Kari and I smile.
For several years before she actually got braces, Raini did not want them. She had to be talked into them slowly. Her arguments were so good that we too began to question whether or not she really had to have braces. One of her most convincing ones was the idea that Heavenly Father loved her and did not care at all if her teeth were straight or crooked.
We always thought this was sweet, but talked her into getting braces anyway.
I wonder why we could not "let go" of our obsession for straight teeth.
Because everyone else has straight teeth? Are crooked teeth dangerous?
I think straight teeth are easier to floss and keep clean, but I would be so much richer now if I weren't so obsessed with straightness.
Maybe tomarrow i'll go check through Sadie's poop. (What? Havn't you seen Marley)

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