Sunday, September 20, 2009

River Dream

I had a dream once many years ago that I was riding a big sort of river downstream through big, beautiful canyons and deep amphitheater-type caves, on some little raft I think or maybe I was just "body-surfing". The swells were enormous, and the turns and dips were thrilling, and the rushing dark water was warm. It was a good dream, the feeling was one of adventure and even though some of the canyons presented drops like other-worldly mammoth roller coaster hills, I was not scared.
I was totally relaxed and just enjoying the ride.
I think I've only dreamt this one time-but it comes to my mind every once in awhile.
Like when I feel overwhelmed by my circumstances, anxious about all my responsibilities, worried about the future or obsessing about a problem....that dream has a tendency to just show up in my thoughts. It's amazing what it does for me. I'm almost immediately reminded to take a breath, untighten my grip and relax. The visuals and emotions of that dream seem to be imprinted on my brain in such a way that it's spiritual for me-like a loving message from above telling me to Let Go and Trust Him. All I have to do is think of it and I'm reminded to see my life as I saw this ride on the river.
Riding the river in my dream was inevitable, it carried me in such a strong way that I had no thought of fighting, struggling or attempting to swim was a "surrendering" to the power of the extreme current and being completely okay with it. I was more than okay...I was exhilarated and in love with it all. I'm reminded that that is the stuff of life, the way I want to live, not with clenched teeth and white knuckles, but with Faith and Trust and an open heart to be able to really see all the beauty and wonder and thrill of living fully present through winding rivers, giant drops and surging rapids.


  1. Oh sweet Amy, How am I so blessed to know you? You inspire me to be better!
