Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What to do when you're worried...

I had a conversation with my son yesterday about "what to do when you're worried".
We decided that it's better to talk about your worries and feelings with someone instead of keeping it all inside. Keep all your troubles and worries inside, and it becomes hard to concentrate on school or homework or other tasks at hand. Sometimes, it was acknowledged, kids/people who are too worried tend towards "escape" into video or computer games or even more unhealthy escapes like drinking or drugs.
Do some Moms spend too much time on Facebook for the same reason?
As soon as you can talk about what it is you're worried about, the sooner you can begin to feel some real relief. I'm not talking about a "Status Update"-but a real communication of deep thoughts and feelings.
It's true. Keep it all tightly concealed and you get into trouble. People are meant to share with each other, help each other and be connected.
Share it and you're on the road to peace.
This is easy for most people I think, but we have had to learn it little by little in our family.
I notice that the more difficult experiences we go through in our family, the more we are forced to talk about our feelings. I think we started out thinking we would really rather not talk about stuff.
Out of necessity we have learned how to feel, talk and share, and we are getting better at it.
Letting go of the need to keep it all in feels like a great relief and is a good thing to do when "You're worried."
We also decided that it helps to pray, help other people, get enough rest and exercise and that it's probably okay to save out a little time for some healthy "escapism" and even some video games and facebook.

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful Amy. I wish my family had learned that lesson when we were at your stage, we would have been so much healthier emotionally. It would have helped us all cope better when our son died. Keep it up!
