Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What not to say to someone who has just Lost a job.

When you loose your job, or your spouse looses his job, it is pretty harsh. But that is only the beginning. There are many other annoyances that go along with it, that are just part of the "jobless" territory.
You have to let people know that this has happened. Now is not the time to be private.
You never know who will be a lead for you in finding a new job, so it's important that the fact that you are now looking for a new job gets out as quickly as possible.
The breaking of this news to family and friends is never fun. Do it quickly and tell them "not to worry" and then get off the phone or get outta there as soon as possible or you will have to listen to a lot of other stories of other people they have heard of lately who have also been recently been laid off, subsequently divorced, had medical problems or have died. When you mention this fact to friends or neighbors there is a wide variety of responses.
Some responses include "OH MY____!" "OH NOT THAT!" "Are you kidding me?" " Well I hope you have a years supply of food storage!" Some have demanded "What the _____ are you going to DO NOW?" Some seem stunned to some level-and sort of retreat into a fearful state of distraction. And many others we find, are inclined to offer advice. How ever well intentioned and well-meaning, this is really not the best time to offer advice about what causes "financial ruin" or recite statistics about the "leading cause of divorce" being financial problems.
There are many responses to news of joblessness, but the kind we have really appreciated is just a heartfelt "I'm sorry" or "Hang in there".

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